Do You Want to Go to College?
Ninth Grade
College Credit/Class Information
A-g Classes ( A-G is a requirement of all 4 year California Colleges, It requires you to take certain classes for a certain amount of time to even be eligible for acceptance. All 9th graders should talk to counselors about A-G to ensure they are on the track and taking their necessary classes)
Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment- all of these are different types of classes/programs that can earn students college credit as well as make their college application more competitive. It is recommended 9as early as 9th grade students start trying honors/ AP/IB classes and later on continue into the dual enrollment program.
Eleventh Grade
Meet with your counselor for A-G requirement classes( taking a more advanced course load is recommended)
Request letters of recommendation from teachers,coaches,managers,etc
Continue getting volunteer hours
Visit college campuses
Start available college applications
Most applications open in October of your senior year but some out of state schools start earlier like HBCUs
Start applying for scholarships
Create FSA account for FAFSA
Join/ get involved in different programs
BACC,UCan,Alpha Academy
Narrow down college list
Applications usually range from $25-$75 so prepare for that
Financial Information Text
Tenth Grade
10th grade
A-G again
Honors/ap again
Create a document of all awards,extracurriculars,etc
Create connections for future letters of rec
Start working on volunteer hours
Prepare for Sat or Act if needed for future colleges
Continue college research
Start virtual or in person college tours
Continue research on college savings accounts,financial aid and scholarships
Continue meeting with your counselor to ensure A-G completion
Twelfth Grade
IFinish your college list the start of the year
Take any testing that is still needed Sat/Act
Register for any AP Test
Keep on top of college application due dates
Finish Fafsa as soon as possible
Get all letters of recommendation
Do as many scholarships as possible
Resume, Recommendation information Trade, Community Colleges
Checklist Text